Galaxy Slope

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Galaxy Slope is a 3D space ball runner set in the far reaches of the universe. Control a 3D ball as he rolls on a platform in space. Because there is no safety barrier on either side, you must keep the ball under control and prevent going over the sides. Play the original slope game for a lot more fun. Your response abilities will be put to the test because the path is full of twists and turns.

You’ll see more planets in our solar system the longer your journey lasts.
Feature : 

  • Eye-catching neon graphics and style.
  • Rapidly changing courses that become harder and more unpredictable.
  • Tons of crazy obstacles in the form of roadblocks, treacherous pits and killer walls.
  • See who’s the best – and try to beat them – on the leaderboard.
  • Full-screen mode available.

How to play

  • To steer, use the arrow keys or the left/right arrows.
  • Press the space bar to restart the game.
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